Conveniently keep track of all your finances with a single login!
Bring Your Accounts Together!
Not only will you be able to see all your financial data in one place, you will be able to visualize that data in meaningful and engaging ways.
- Manage all your financial accounts in one place (checking, savings, credit cards, investments, retirement, etc.)
- View all balances and transactions on a single screen
- Have your transactions automatically categorized and organized. Easily track your spending based on specific categories
- Comprehensive debt analysis shows you how to quickly pay down your debts + how much you save
- Set goals, track your spending trends over time, and more!
- View insightful reports & visualizations
Ready to get started?
First step
Log in to Online Banking
Second step
Select "services," and click on "MoneyDesktop."
Third step
From there, follow the quick and easy steps to setup your MoneyDesktop accounts.
Tip If you like MoneyDesktop, you'll love MoneyMobile.
You can also monitor and control your
debit and credit cards with the CardsApp.